
Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Broadband - Speed & Caps

With the wealth of ISPs offering all manner of broadband package's to suit individual needs it's understandable if even the more technical savvy of us feel somewhat bemused.

It's important though, to ensure that you are "in the know" with regards to the speed and cap that will relate to your chosen broadband package.

Firstly, the speed of a broadband package is expressed in kilobits per second (Kbps) and megabits per second (Mbps) and is known as bandwidth. This is essentially the amount of data you are able to transfer in a given second, thus the higher the figure the faster your access to the internet will be.

Throughout the UK, broadband speed is one of customers' main gripes with their ISPs, with the actual speed they receive almost always far less than that advertised. The typical advertised speed offered today is 8Mbps, with actual speeds in the region of 2Mbps to 4Mbps.

The speed you require will depend entirely on what you wish to use your broadband connection for, and how many devices will be sharing the connection within your home.

As mentioned, 8Mbps is the speed advertised for the majority of today's packages. This should prove sufficient for most customers, especially those who intend to download and/or stream music and video files and participate in online gaming.

If however, you know you will not be using your connection for such purposes, then it may be a better idea to opt for a slower speed, such as 512Kbps. This is often sufficient for those who wish to simply browse the internet, send emails and maybe occasionally download media files.

The other factor of your broadband package that will depend entirely on how you use it is the download limit or cap. This is essentially a set limit on how much data you are able to send and receive using your connection, which tends to range from 1GB/month to an unlimited amount.

The advantage with the latter being you do not have to worry about exceeding your limit, thus incurring any extra charges; although ISPs that offer such services tend to have lower download speeds in practice.

The broadband cap you will require will increase considerably if you intend to download multiple media files, with this being common practice for those with broadband though; finding cheap broadband packages with large caps is very easy.

Streamyx Combo 140
Streamyx Combo 384k
Streamyx Online Registration
Streamyx Combo 60
Streamyx Enterprise
Streamyx Combo 140
Streamyx Coverage
Streamyx Registration
Broadband Malaysia
Streamyx Combo 1MB
Streamyx - No rental

Do You Want Automatic Internet Marketing Success?

If you are looking for internet marketing success then you simply have to let go and be able to outsource work. One area that it is beneficial to do this is responding to customer inquiries. You can spend far too much time replying and checking emails.

You can employ the use of a service referred to as an autoresponder to do this. One common use of such a service is to provide an automatic response to customers. After all, time is money and responding to emails eats up time that could be spent in other areas of your business.

Autoresponders not only allow you to spend your time more productively, they also provide the customer with a prompt response without you having to monitor incoming emails.

There are numerous ways autoresponders can be utilized, which means they can be an asset to any type and size of business. Many businesses use them to reply to commonly asked questions whereas others may use them to respond to customers about products or pricing.

Autoresponders also provide a means to build a relationship with a customer and add a personal touch, such as welcoming a new member to a website or group.

You may be thinking, "why should I use autoresponders if all my information is on my website already?" The truth is people may not bother or have time to read all the information provided and they may miss some of the important benefits of your product/service. Capturing their email and using an autoresponder means you can highlight the major benefits and periodically send out updated and new information to them.

As with everything, you can suffer information overload trying to select a suitable autoresponder - there are so many choices. You don't need me to tell you that selecting a reliable autoresponder is paramount to the success of your business.

For the time they save and the work they can do for you, autoresponders are inexpensive. The sooner you implement the use of one, the sooner you can build email lists, customer relationships, improve conversion rates and also your profits.

When internet marketers start out an autoresponder is one tool they think they can do without. They fail to realise that they can grow their business and move to higher levels of success if the employ it from the beginning.

There are free autoresponders available but visit below and read on to find out why it is suggested to stay away from them.

Streamyx Combo 384k
Streamyx Combo 110
Streamyx 4MB coverage
Streamyx Packages
Streamyx Wireless
Streamyx Business
Broadband Malaysia
Streamyx Combo 140
Streamyx Combo
Streamyx Broadband
Streamyx Combo 2MB
Broadband Malaysia